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Hall High/Low Communication

Lobby High/Low Context Communication In this exposition I’d like toâ express my assessment about Hall’s Context Communication...

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

My Writing As An Inquiry - 1263 Words

I have gained a vast amount of knowledge and other skills during my semester in â€Å"Writing as an inquiry†. Not only were my writing skills improved, my understanding of rhetoric increased as well. This was done through teacher instruction, class participation, and assignments. Up to this point, I completed four projects in the semester. Each project being very different and improving my writing, rhetoric, communication skills, and testing my creativity. The first project that was assigned in the class was a Learning Narrative. The goal of this assignment was to write about a profound learning moment that occurred in my life. Another goal of this assignment was to expand my knowledge on rhetoric. This assignment was when I was first†¦show more content†¦A lightbulb clicked and I decided to use Lifetime gym as my culture and a dumbbell as my artifact. The next step of this project was to compare my culture and artifact with another culture. The biggest obstacle I fac ed was having to be creative and think about how other people and cultures may view the dumbbell. It was difficult to pick just one certain group and try to hypothesis how they may view the dumbbell. I chose to think of how people of low income and countries in poverty may view the dumbbell. I hypothesized they most likely do not have access to the dumbbell. Therefore, not knowing what it is, or having to use other heavy objects as a substitute for a dumbbell. This project was very interesting and eye opening. An object like a dumbbell, which I have very easy access to, is not easily accessible for everyone. Without this project, I would not have thought of a broader culture. It makes me grateful to be able to have such easy access to a dumbbell, which others in countries in poverty may not have the luxury of. I reached the goals of this assignment. I was able to think of a specific artifact and describe it in specific detail. I then thought of a few broader cultures and was able to compare a specific culture to mine. Project three was the remix project. The goals of this project were to be able to take writing and turn it into a visual. In a group with two other people, we would use the phrase â€Å"AShow MoreRelatedQuestions : How Did Wra110 Improved My Writing Skills?932 Words   |  4 PagesInquiry questions: How did WRA110 have improved my writing skills? I have attended WRA 110 almost four months and I appreciate that I have a deeper and further impression about American college writing. Since I am an international student, honestly, I am not good at writing at all, I have to spend more time on fixing some grammar problems in writing, especially, analyzing article. Sometimes I even very struggle with how to write it clear for readers, but after I accepted advice from professors andRead MoreReflective Writing1241 Words   |  5 PagesHow do I . . . Write a Reflection? Why reflective writing? 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Lit1 Task 310.1.2-01-06 Essay - 2863 Words

Part A (The report) Part B (The memorandum) Student Name Western Governors University Part A (The report) Determining what type of business venture to either start or invest in can be challenging. Over the next several pages we will evaluate the various types of business organizations and at the end of this report; you should have an initial or better understanding of the different types of business forms. Sole Proprietorship: The word proprietorship can sound intimidating. It is important to remember that most things are simplified with knowledge. If your business is a sole proprietorship then you as an individual are the owner and operator of that business. This means the sole proprietor handles everything from setting up†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Control: A sole proprietor has total control of the company and they make all the good decisions and they must deal with decisions that did not turn out the way they intend. The other notable factor in being a sole proprietor of a business is what would happen to the business if the owner became ill or died; typically the business would stop operations based on the structure and debts would need to be resolved as well as customer commitments would need resolving based on the type of business. †¢ Profit Retention: In addition to reaping the profits from the business, the sole individual is also responsible for all debts in curred and for paying expenditures of the business. †¢ Location: In addition to federal laws that govern business a sole proprietorship is governed by the state laws in which it operates. If the proprietor opens another business location in a different state. The new state laws will govern the other business location therefore requiring the proprietor to understand and be compliant with more than one state laws based on the location of the business. (Beatty Samuelson, 2007, pp. 755-756) General Partnership: Occurs when two or more individuals get together to operate a business with the intention of making profit. Each individual is a general partner of the business and all profits and losses are shared between the partners. General partnership agreements can be a written or verbal agreement. †¢Show MoreRelatedLit1 Task 310.1.2-01-062176 Words   |  9 Pages1      Part A Sole Proprietorship A sole proprietorship is a form of business that is owned by a single individual.   †¢ Liability – Due to the lack of legal distinction between the owner and the business, the owner is fully responsible and liable for all debts that the business incurs in the same manner that an individual is fully responsible and liable for all debts that they incur. There is no legal distinction between the assets of the owner of the sole proprietorship and the business; thisRead MoreLit1 Task 310.1.2-01-06 Essay examples1487 Words   |  6 PagesLIT1 Task 310.1.2-01-06 Part A Sole Proprietorship - †¢ LIABILITY – There is no separation between the individual and the business. As the owner and operator of a sole proprietorship, all of the profit and loss is the personal responsibility of the business owner creating unlimited liability. †¢ INCOME TAXES – As a sole proprietor all business income or losses must be reported as personal income tax. The business itself is not taxed separately. †¢ LONGEVITY/CONTINUITY – The sole proprietorshipRead MoreWGU LIT1 Task 310.1.2-01-063823 Words   |  16 PagesPart A (The Report) Sole Proprietorship A sole proprietorship is the most common form of forming a business in the United States. The individual that forms the sole proprietorship and the business is one in the same. For example, if the business owes creditors money, the individual who created the sole proprietorship business has to pay the bill. When entering into contracts the individual is actually agreeing to the contract since the person and business is one in the same. The biggest advantageRead MoreEssay about Lit1 Task 310.1.2-01-062862 Words   |  12 PagesSole Proprietorship Sole proprietorship is the most common form of business in the United States. It is a relatively simple way for an individual to start a business since legal costs and business requirements are minimal, and the owner has complete control over the business. Though a sole proprietor is not responsible for any corporate tax payments, the owner is responsible for taxes incurred on the income generated from the business as part of his or her personal income tax payments, and personallyRead MoreStudy Notes for Task 11269 Words   |  6 Pages†ºAdd account Sign out Settings LIT1 Task1.pdfAdd to DriveEdit onlineDownload originalShareFileViewHelp SUBDOMAIN 310.1 - BUSINESS LAW Competency 310.1.2: Organizational Forms - The graduate can select the appropriate form of organization for a business. 310.1.2-01: Differentiate between a sole proprietorship and general partnership. 310.1.2-02: Differentiate between a general partnership and a limited partnership. 310.1.2-03: Identify the distinguishing characteristicsRead MoreLit1 Task a Essay1390 Words   |  6 PagesLIT1: Task 310.1.2-01-06 Task A Sole proprietorship 1. Liability * An owner has unlimited liability both personally and as the company owner. Liability is a disadvantage in a sole proprietorship. 2. Income taxes * The owner is responsible for filing taxes and is allowed to file taxes as part of their personal income taxes. 3. Longevity * This depends completely on the owner and there continued ability to operate the business. The operation of the business can be significantlyRead MoreSample Resume : Business Management1551 Words   |  7 PagesNatasha Rodas LIT1 Task 310.1.2-01-06 Part A Sole Proprietorship – As a sole proprietor, you own your business solely; no other interested parties are involved. †¢ LIABLITY – The business is controlled and operated solely by the individual, and all profit/loss is the responsibility of the business owner; creating unlimited liability. †¢ INCOME TAXES – All business income/expenses are to be reported as personal income tax; not taxed separately. †¢ LONGEVITY/CONTINUITY – Once the business owner is

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Audio Production Free Essays

For my paper I chose the audio production and engineering relating to the Music field. Music is not only beats and rhymes; it is a statement of life, and now days a way to make a fortune. It relaxes, motivates and is a great hobby for the idol one. We will write a custom essay sample on Audio Production or any similar topic only for you Order Now In addition to this Music has been around for more than a thousand years and has a very colossal impact on every existing culture while still developing with new innovative sounds, techniques and not to mention jobs. Today there are over 2 million jobs in the audio production and engineer field. People use music to relax and express one’s self as well as their culture. Take the Native Americans as well as Africans Americans for example. They are infamous in using drums to beat for entertainment at gatherings. Denying that music is not a form of popular culture in my opinion is asinine. Over the broad plans of the scorching hot plantations which the field workers in the 1600’s worked; under these extreme inhumane living conditions the slaves were subjected to, they would hum tunes that would get them through their times of atrocity and calamity. With over a billion songs in existence today, it is hard to imagine that anyone has never heard a song before and for most people inspired by at least one of them. There is a big controversy stating that rap music has, and is still influencing our younger generation and to certain amplitude I agree. The jails across America are being filled to capacity over violent confrontations in our streets. Many killings are occurring after bar and nightclub shootings from local gang members using drugs and playing rap music. Some of the music being listened to is introducing children to drugs sex and jail could this be all bad? Surly not! Studying the lyrics to some of your most hated rap songs my just provide you with some of the problems our society faces and the solutions that will help us surmount them. How to cite Audio Production, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Hall Essay Example For Students

Hall Essay Of House Of UsherFall of the House of Usher During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundlessday in autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in theheavens is the opening sentence to the ever strange The Fall of theHouse of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe (1373). This sentence pretty much simplifiesthe mood of this gothic tale of death and the supernatural. This storyencompasses a unique setting which acts out the story by itself. Much emphasisis placed on the looks and feeling that the house gives to the unnamed narrator. Through the use of imagery this great poet sets the mood or foreshadows what isexpected to come. The ever presence of the mansion of gloom causesthe reader to imply that only evil and death shall arise from the house (Poe1374). Imagery, when used correctly, can be a mighty weapon that gives any storya certain feeling different from others. Imagery sets the stage to give thereader an idea of what the setting is and how it effects the outcome of thestory. In the introduction of this tale the narrator approaches a house of along time friend, Roderick Usher, and has a sense of insufferable gloompervading my spirit (Poe 1374). To the narrator the windows appear to bevacant and eye-style and the narrator goes on to observethe rank edges, and the black and lurid tarn, in whichhe sees the reflection of the house. He later says, when I again upliftedmy eyes to house itself, from its image in the pool, there grew a strangefancy (Poe 1376). Although the narrator tried to view everything hesees in a rational manner, upon seeing the house and its surroundings, he has asense of superstition. He goes on to say that, about the whole mansion anddomain there hung an atmosphere peculiar to themselves and their immediatevicinity (Poe 1377). This statement indicates that perhaps the house doesindeed have supernatural characteristics. The narrator also notices the fungi onthe walls and the poor structure of the house and suggest that somethingpossibly supernatural is holding the house intact, otherwise it would havefallen to the ground long ago. The setting is shown to be the house itself andall of these quotations concrete the fact that Poe used various gloomydescriptions in order to get across the total evil that encompasses the house. Death is apparent and is in the air because the house is ghostly andeverything involving the Mathusalehistic (Bible) house. Setting can not just bequarantined by itself when analyzing a story because many details make up theoverall setting. Setting is not limited to concrete objects and places but afeeling can also be the inner setting of the story. In The Fall of the House ofUsher several great aspects of the setting are death, supernatural, evil, andeverything else from the dark side of the spectrum. In the story there is anincrease of negativity on the atmosphere of sorrow, which turns to one of greatevil, which leads to death: death of Roderick Usher. It is in the atmosphere andcreates a living nightmare for Roderick. It is a nightmare that wants to escapebut cannot that is he can not escape the nightmare alive. In this story deathis not considered as a bad occurrence, especially for Usher, who uses death ashis only means of escape: his only way to freedom. And in the end Lady M adelineof Usher seeks revenge on Roderick but she does not know that he welcomes death. .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a , .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a .postImageUrl , .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a , .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a:hover , .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a:visited , .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a:active { border:0!important; } .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a:active , .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufa16440016cbee32e9d3c4b061a4a80a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Unemployment hearings EssayUsher preferred death than the hellish prison his life was becoming. It isdeath, in the fall of Usher; Usher finally has peace- he finally has freedom. Poe uses death and evil as the main non-concrete setting of the story. The wholeentire story revolves around this feeling of death and becomes a major settingof the story. The setting of any story greatly influences what the reader issuppose to perceive from what will happen and what is actually happening. In thestory The Fall of the House of Usher Poe with the use of imagery gives thereader a sense of the total evil of the house. The mood for the story can beseen rather early on and is intended to get the reader in the right frame ofmind for what is about to happen. Poe also used a thought or feeling as asetting. He incorporated evil and death into the story and these became its maintheme: I shall perish, I must perish in this deplorable folly.- I feelthat I must abandon life and reason together I my struggles with some fataldemon of fears (Poe 1378-1379).