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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Different perspective of human Free Essays

Motivation is a force in workers that enable them to go the extra mile in executing their official functions. As human beings are different, so are the factors that motivate them. Human idiosyncrasies and attitude would determine what motivate them. We will write a custom essay sample on Different perspective of human or any similar topic only for you Order Now While some are motivated based on monetary incentives, other are motivated by the actualization of accomplishment they attain in their official function. It is then germane that managers know what really motivate each worker under their supervision for the organization to attain maximum effectiveness and efficiency. There are plethora theories on motivation. The Scientific school of thought of Frederick Taylor sees workers as machine that would be motivated only by monetary and economic incentives. This school of thought disregards the human relations aspect and informal networking among workers. The reward system advocated by the scientific school of thought on motivation is a piece-meal reward system. In this instance each worker are rewarded based on what he is able to produce. The Scientific school sees human being as naturally lazy who tend to devise ‘soldiering’ tactics to dodge work. Hence, close observation is advocated by this school of thought. The incentive through extra payment and reward for bonus work done is seen as the motivational factor for increasing productivity by the scientific school of thought. The Human Relations School, in an experiment in Hawthorne led by Elton Mayo, discovers those workers are really motivated by informal interrelationship at the work place. The welfares for workers would go a long way to motivate them in accomplishing more. Thus, the human relation school sees human resource as the most vital resource in the organization that should be catered for maximum productivity. Other motivational theories that stemmed out of the human relation school include Abraham Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of need theory’, McGregor ‘X and Y theories’, Fredrick Herzberg ‘Two factors theories’, i.e. the ‘motivators’, and ‘hygiene’ factors, David McClelland ‘achievement theory, Victor Vroom’s ‘Expectancy theory, Adam’s ‘Equity theory’, etc. These theories have a meeting point, whereby they advocate that there are different levels and types of motivational factors. According to these theories when Individual workers are motivated by the right factors, they tend to put in the extra effort at ensuring they accomplish the target they have set for themselves as a way to repay the organization for meeting their needs and aspirations. REFERENCES Garner, Rochelle (2003), â€Å"Executives’ Guide to Call Center Excellence: Motivational Strategies—Just Desserts† February. http://www.destinationcrm.com/articles/magazine_index.asp?IssueID=140   ( 1/11/06). Moore, Dianne-Jo (1991), â€Å"7 Motivational Strategies – Manager’s Motivation Of Workers† Modern Machine Shop http://findarticles.com/p/search?tb=artqt=%22Dianne-Jo+Moore%22 (2/11/06) Wertheim, Edward G. (2005), â€Å"Historical Background of Organizational Behavior† http://web.cba.neu.edu/~ewertheim/introd/history.htm (11/09/06)    How to cite Different perspective of human, Essay examples

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