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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Meet the Admissions Officers Mikey Yang 05

Meet the Admissions Officers Mikey Yang ‘05 Name: Mikey YangJob title: Admissions CounselorHometown: Troy, MIHigh school: Troy High SchoolCollege: MIT 05, BiologyFavorite thing about MIT: The people. Hands down. The people at MIT are not what I expected them to be at all! Everyone works hard and studies, but they hang out, party, have funthe people here are so down to earth. Everyones got a nerdy side, and we embrace and accept that. Someone can tell a nerdy joke and people will actually laugh and wont shun them to the library. The community here is so open, friendly, and accessible. I love being able to stay up until 5am talking to friends instead of doing problem sets. I never thought I could do that here. Honestly, I wouldnt trade the friends I made here for anything in the world.Favorite things about Boston: The Charles River is awesome, and the fact that MIT is right on the riverfront couldnt be a better location. Also the fact that Boston is such a young college town and a walking town you can walk or take public trans portation anywhere and theres so much stuff to do for college kids. I love that the city is so diverse and you can find almost any kind of food all over the place fooood is gooood. And, of course, THE SOX.Favorite movies: The Usual Suspects, Clue, The Game, The Matrix Trilogy, Zoolander, Anchorman, Primal Fear, LOTR TrilogyFavorite food: Everything Italian. I Favorite music: I love everything. All music is so awesome. If I had to choose, my favorite bands would be: Coldplay, Ben Folds, Guster, Maroon5, Switchfoot, Jump Little Children, Remy Zero. The Garden State Soundtrack is also pretty sweet.Favorite book: The Ender series (Enders Game especially), Dan Brown books (esp Da Vinci Code), The Great Gatsby, Tennessee Williams playsunfortunately I dont read all that much, but Im trying to take it up! Throw some good suggestions my way.Favorite cartoon character: Loved watching X-Men and Captain Planet (yeah Im a dork). But I think Id have to go with Calvin and Hobbes.Advice about appl ying to college/MIT: Be yourself! Show us your personality and uniqueness through your application. We want to know what makes you tick. Tons of people have great scores and academicswe want to know much more than just the numbers.Fun fact about yourself: I am horrible at activities that require balance. I didnt learn to ride a bike til I was past 10, and I still dont know how to rollerblade or ice skate.Anything else? I love sleeping, eating, and singing. I played the cello for 10 years. I gots tons of Michigan pride. So if youre from Michigan or love music, we should talk!

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